Thursday, 1 August 2013

Lets reflect

Hi everyone!

So as you can probably guess from the title this post is going to be a little different to usual, in other words I'm going to be addressing a non beauty related issue.

Since the weather has been so lovely here in the UK this past month I've been spending a lot of time with family and friends going out places and just enjoying the sunshine. Sounds fun right? It has been but sometimes when I go out a lot I tend to feel a bit agitated like I need time to myself, a chance to reflect on my thoughts and general life-ness.
Today is one of those days where I need to do that, it's like I've been on a treadmill going really fast these past few weeks and now I need a rest, a chance to recharge my batteries if you like.

Don't get me wrong, of course I feel bad if I get offered to go out somewhere and I turn people down but sometimes you have to be selfish every once in a while especially if you're someone who is seen as ''too nice'' like myself. I woke up this morning and I automatically knew I didn't want to do anything today, I've been working and rushing about all week so I decided today was my recharge day. I then realised that we're now in August (what the heck?!) more than halfway through 2013 and it got me thinking about how much I've been rushing around after other people these past seven months and decided it's now time to think about myself for a change and thought that you guys would like to know how I normally spend days where I recharge and reflect; and there's one main way which works for me!


For those of you who don't know, Instagram is a website where you can post photographs and add filters to them, it also allows you to hashtag the caption of the photograph for example if you upload a photo of a sunset you could hashtag '#sunset' and anyone who is searching for that particular trend will see your photo and are able to 'like' and 'comment' on it!
At first I thought Instagram was stupid and only used by people to get 'famous' and show off their 'swag' but ever since I downloaded the app to my iPhone I've been in love with it. It's great if you just want to scroll through pictures of people, objects and places you love and can be very relaxing (until you find yourself on it when you can't sleep, then you know you're obsessed!).
Here's a couple of random snaps from my Instagram page!


I guess that's it for today's post! I hope you're all enjoying your days and enjoying the sunshine if it's sunny where you are :)

Georgie xx
Do any of you guys love Instagram? If you do feel free to give me a follow, I'll follow you back ;)
I'd love to know how you guys spend your relaxation/lazy days, feel free to leave me a comment if you have anything you'd like to share or any questions at all ♥

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